Thursday, March 29, 2012

Guides for WOW Best Novelty Items

By Merle Rattray

In World of Warcraft, there are many kinds of professions, including Leatherworking. Skinning is a great way to fuel Leatherworking profession and make a few bucks on the side. Although it is easy to master, there are still some things players don't know about it.

First of all, skinning blade is the most important. This is the tool of your trade, and should be kept on your character all the time. You never know the time you need it, so just keep it at hand. Then, let it be natural. There's no need to go rushing forward into an area that is too much for you. You cannot skin anything. Just skin the animals in your current area, and then leave when you are ready.

This item appears randomly in the game, and it is not easy to find in dungeons related to the "Burning Crusade" expansion pack. Similar items include the Hook of the Master Angler, which transforms you into a fish and increases your swim pace, and the Time-Lost Figurine, which transforms the holder into an Arrakoa.

Consider Leatherworking. Leatherworking provides decent armor for a good portion in the game. Skinning is the best source of fuel for Leatherworking, making Skinning/Leatherworking an excellent combination for Leather-wearers. What's more, according to your server's economy, Mining may (or may not) be a better choice for making WOW gold. Skin the big guys. When you can get around to it, the Devilsaurs in Un'Goro crater will occasionally drop their Devilsaur Hide whenever skinned. These are rare and valuable. Farm these when you are in at least level 58.

With Role playing novelty items, players can control the behavior of other characters or make the player's avatar to perform special emotes. The Piccolo of Flaming Fire will cause all player characters to dance. The Festive Gift will cause the receiver to laugh. Snowballs knock a player down. The Pet Rock and Voodoo Skull can be tossed from player to player.

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