In this post, I am going to tell you the strategies to defeat the third manager in the Stonecore, Ozruk. As we all have recognized, Stonecore is really a 5-man heroic dungeon located in the heart of Deepholm. By killing each boss with this dungeon, you are allowed to gain several item level 346 rare equipment and a wide range of gold in WOW as the rewards. Still in order to queue for the heroic mode of this dungeon, you are required to come with an average item amount of 329.
Actually Corla is only going to use two skills with this combat, therefore the difficulty of this fight is how to deal with both Twilight Zealots surrounding her. When the combat starts, the zealots is going to be inactive immediately, but they will not attack a person in the beginning.
When the combat begins, your tank should pull Ozruk in to the tunnel and against the wall. First of all, Ozruk use two shields. The first one is Elementium Surge Shield, and this protect will cause a bleed effect for 500 damages on all the melee attackers. It could stack up to twenty times, so the healer need to use some HOT spells to ensure they will not be killed at this time skill. The 2nd shield is actually Elementium Bulwark. Ozruk use it frequently to have a 100% chance to reflect spells for ten seconds. All the spell casters including the healer need to pay attention to this skill. Every time when Ozruk use this ability, you should cast a DOT spell and make this reflecting back. Always having a DOT effect within this combat is essential, and i also will give you the main reason right this moment.
Often, Ozruk will use a skill called Paralyze. This skill will stuns all of the players for 8 seconds. After this ability, Ozruk will use Shatter to launch the spikes protruding from it into surrounding players, inflicting 141375 to 158625 damages to all the players within 15 back yards, meanwhile, this harm cannot be reduced by shield. Basically, you will end up killed by this skill immediately.
The effect of Paralyze is going to be removed if the focus on takes any damage. When i mentioned above, you must have a DOT effect in this combat, and it can help you crack the stun effect immediately. Then all the players including the tank need to stay away from the effect part of Shatter. In addition , the effect associated with Paralyze could be dispelled, so the healer need to make use of dispel to free the free of charge the other players.
Once you know how to cope with the Relax and Shatter, Ozruk will be defeated very quickly, and you may loot all the World of Warcraft gold and gears as the rewards and then move to the following destination.
Actually Corla is only going to use two skills with this combat, therefore the difficulty of this fight is how to deal with both Twilight Zealots surrounding her. When the combat starts, the zealots is going to be inactive immediately, but they will not attack a person in the beginning.
When the combat begins, your tank should pull Ozruk in to the tunnel and against the wall. First of all, Ozruk use two shields. The first one is Elementium Surge Shield, and this protect will cause a bleed effect for 500 damages on all the melee attackers. It could stack up to twenty times, so the healer need to use some HOT spells to ensure they will not be killed at this time skill. The 2nd shield is actually Elementium Bulwark. Ozruk use it frequently to have a 100% chance to reflect spells for ten seconds. All the spell casters including the healer need to pay attention to this skill. Every time when Ozruk use this ability, you should cast a DOT spell and make this reflecting back. Always having a DOT effect within this combat is essential, and i also will give you the main reason right this moment.
Often, Ozruk will use a skill called Paralyze. This skill will stuns all of the players for 8 seconds. After this ability, Ozruk will use Shatter to launch the spikes protruding from it into surrounding players, inflicting 141375 to 158625 damages to all the players within 15 back yards, meanwhile, this harm cannot be reduced by shield. Basically, you will end up killed by this skill immediately.
The effect of Paralyze is going to be removed if the focus on takes any damage. When i mentioned above, you must have a DOT effect in this combat, and it can help you crack the stun effect immediately. Then all the players including the tank need to stay away from the effect part of Shatter. In addition , the effect associated with Paralyze could be dispelled, so the healer need to make use of dispel to free the free of charge the other players.
Once you know how to cope with the Relax and Shatter, Ozruk will be defeated very quickly, and you may loot all the World of Warcraft gold and gears as the rewards and then move to the following destination.
About the Author:
Don't hesitate to buy Wow gold. Especially, the prices of World of Warcraft gold will be slashed this weekend.