Saturday, April 28, 2012

How Much Do Professional Game Designers Earn?

By Sean T Saunders

The video game industry around the world continues to be growing at a swift pace and in the United States alone previous year this industry achieved record revenues of more than $12.5 billion. This growth happened when sales for several other industries are sluggish owing to the long-drawn-out global recession. For those who have been thinking of going into the computer game industry, then now is a good time to start. As the financial market in America improves the growth in video games is going to increase even further and that means that the gaming organizations will likely be in need of many fresh employees.

You have many different types of employment possibilities within the computer game industry, with the majority of jobs being categorized into two sorts. One half of the individuals who work in the gaming sector are involved with the business aspect of the industry such as management, finances, public relations and product sales. The other half work in the more creative area of creating and producing the computer games. The creative work opportunities include such things as video game programmers, software engineers, animators, graphic artists, writers, audio engineers, producers and video game designers. All of these positions are well paid for skilled people.

The most crucial job position on the creative section of the gaming industry is that of developing and conceptualizing the graphic game, a task undertaken by the game designer. The video game designer comes up with the concept for the game and then works on designing all of the various features that go into creating a brand new large scale video game. Most new computer games are designed by teams of game designers working on a variety of tasks under the lead designer. The lead designer handles the entire project and is responsible for the staff and funds, so good administration skills are desirable.

Employed on the team under the lead designer will be a variety of junior creative designers who will have the responsibility to develop different aspects of the game. These positions include level or environmental designers, game mechanic designers or systems designers and game user interface designers. Video game designer salary levels are excellent and comparable to other top professions. An entry level video game designer salary will depend on aspects such as geographic location, previous work experience on related projects, academic qualifications, job title and the company that you work for. Entry level game designers receive about $40,000 per year but experienced designers can get over $100,000.

The video game designer salary improves with each year of experience, as is the case in many industries. The more experience a person has, the more worthy of an employee they are due to their increased capabilities. Geographic location has a huge impact on salaries as some places are much more expensive to live in than others. Designers in California will make more than ones in the Midwest. What an individual?s job title is, will have an impact too. If the job title includes the word lead then salaries will be higher than for those people who have junior in their title.

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