Saturday, June 13, 2009

Choosing a Mobile Phone Plan for Your Business

By Kirby Whitehall

Staying in touch with your business is very important in our modern world. Therefore, a good mobile phone plan is absolutely critical. With the multitude of varying mobile phones and plans available to you and your company, finding the right one could be tricky. Luckily, I?m here to offer a bit of help.

Mobile phones have come a long way from the brick phones of the late 80?s. Now there are many different styles, all bringing something different to the table. With such a wide array of phones to choose from, you?ll need to know the ups and downs for each type. It?s for this reason that I?d like to start by telling you about the different mobile phone styles available to you and your business.

A standard mobile phone is the kind where all the keys and the screen are fully exposed. This offers easy, quick access to your buttons but these phones also have some draw backs. It?s not unusual for the screen to scratch or for people to even dial numbers on accident with the phone in their pocket or purse. If you?re getting a standard phone, make sure you use the ?lock? feature most come with so you don?t accidentally call Afghanistan for twenty minutes, like I did once, it was pretty pricey.

Flip phones are, personally, my favorite, as far as design goes. Flip phones are usually in two separate sections connected with a hinge. The screen is usually on the top half while the buttons are on the bottom half. Flip phones close at the hinge, folding the phone in half and protecting your screen from scratches while keeping you from accidentally making any pocket calls. The flip phones are certainly the most logical design, in my humble opinion.

Slider phones are kind of hybrids between standard phones and flip phones. Instead of flipping, though, slider phones typically slide open. While this does serve to protect the keys from placing mistake calls, the screen is completely exposed to possibly get scratched. It can also be quite difficult to find carrying cases for sliders, as the design makes it practically impossible to design a case to fully protect the phone while still allowing full use.

The last kind of mobile phone is the PDA device. These are much more than just simple mobile phones, some cross the line into pocket computers, they?re so advanced. PDA?s are for the business person who wants to stay connected, as you can send and receive email, use the internet and, of course, make calls. These bigger, bulkier phones are often more expensive for the added functionality, but for the business person in need, there is no substitute for a good PDA.

Okay so, now you?ve got a phone but you still need a plan. Mobile phone plans come in a plethora of different options and prices. Business plans are different from the personal plan you probably have. A fleet plan would cover your entire business, the prices vary based on the size of your business and the features you want. It?s important to pay attention to the features, do you rely on text messages to do any of your business? If so you probably want a plan that offers low rates on text messages as they can get pretty pricey if you?re not covered for them. As long as you go in completely aware of your businesses needs then finding a plan right for you should be simple.

Mobile Phones and their plans can be scary if you?re new to this kind of stuff. Hopefully I?ve been able to help clear the air a bit and give you a bit of a head start. As long as you go in fully prepared, finding the right phones and plan for your business should be easy. The best plan of action is to have a plan of action so be prepared and you will be just fine.

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