Saturday, June 27, 2009

How to Burn Wii Games On A Blank Disc

By Cam Halladay

If you're lucky enough to own a Nintendo Wii, you might have wondered if it's possible to burn wii games on your computer. This question has been raised many times so we thought we would share with you how it can be done.

You must have realized that you can't just copy this game on to a blank disc using the normal software that you have on your computer. This is because the game disc has a kind of "lock" that doesn't allow your computer to read them.

Software companies have developed some programs that can get past this lock. All you have to do is install this software on your computer and you will be able to not only read the disc but also make copies of it.

Now, we should be clear about one thing. We AREN'T telling you to go out there and start copying all the games you can get your hands on. It's completely legal to make backups of the games that you already own. That is what the intention of these programs are - we aren't encouraging you to burn xbox games you don't own.

Lets now see how this software works.

It's pretty simply actually. If you have ever burned a music CD it works in the same way. Once you have the program installed it's straightforward.

Just insert the game in your computer and wait till the system makes an "image" of the disc. This image will get transferred to any blank disc that you put inside now. That's it! Your copy is ready - it's as easy as "point and click".

If you do go shopping for a game copying program, it's a good idea to get one that come with a moneyback guarantee. The software should work on just about any computer, but it's nice to have a guarantee just in case you aren't fully happy with it.

The best quality software that can be used immediately doesn't cost more than $40. So don't get cheated by paying more than that!

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