Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Information About Fleet Management Software Package

By Phil Andrews

Fleet management software is nothing new, but most fleet managers say that it does make their life easier. Many of the packages previously on the market have been tried and tested in a variety of companies with some success. Whether or not a full package with all the applications was used tended to depend on the size of the company and the number of vehicles they had on hire or lease.

Depending on the nature of the business and the number of vehicles required to operate the business will help to determine software package that is required. Companies that operate within the transport industry such as large haulage firms with numerous lorries on the road at any one time, or a small but fast growing taxi business will both find a vehicle monitoring package can have advantages and disadvantages for their business.

Vehicle hires and lease companies have been responsible for providing many of their clients with their brand of vehicle monitoring system. To a certain extent, that restricted the client from shopping around for better prices on vehicle hire and other related costs. Web hosting has made it possible for the fleet managers to purchase independent vehicle monitoring systems and to take advantage of a more open vehicle hire and lease market.

Web hosting has seen an influx of vehicle managers moving towards an independent vehicle monitoring system. They prefer having much more control over the service they receive than was previously the case. It also allows them to take advantage of better lease and hire prices when they come to renew their vehicles. The management system can provide them with several quotes to allow for comparison.

By using vehicle monitoring software and web hosting, administration costs can be cut as the system maintenance and monitoring usually becomes the responsibility of the web hosting supplier. Depending on the type of contract with the web hosting company, they can also perform back-up, application updates and the security of the system and data to prevent misuse.

The system can be set to automatically flag up important reminders for vehicles and drivers. The reminders can include such things as MOTs and services as well as a drivers license renewal, or a reminder about medicals related to driving. In addition, the system will be updated with relevant health and safety information.

The management information system is a planning and decision making tool. Data and reports can be designed and produced using relevant information for management on vehicle performance and the costs involved in running a fleet of vehicles. The information gathered by the fleet management software is converted into a report and can be used to identify any problem area and allow the manager to address them quickly.

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