Wednesday, April 4, 2012

There Are Ways To Protect Your Children When They Are On The Internet

By Axelrod Finneran

Watching your children every minute they are online is not the only way to keep them safe. How do you know what they are doing without watching them? Using common sense and building trust is something children need to learn, and quite often this comes by making mistakes. However, you also have to provide some guidance at times. Freedom and protection are both needed when your children are online, and the following hints will help.

It is not always anonymous predators causing problems but sometimes it's other kids from their school or neighborhood. Cyber-bullying is a new term that's used to describe bullying and other forms of harassment that occur online. It can be done by instant messaging, emailing or done on social networks. These tactics have tragically driven some children into committing suicide.

Because of these matters, your child needs to have constantly open lines of communication with you. If you find out that someone is bullying your child online, you can notify the site or platform that the bully is using, notify the school or perhaps the child's parents. There should be an assigned amount of time they are able to surf the web. You can take charge of this approach, or you can buy the software to help you put your regulations in place. This technique should give you affirmative consequences. You can prevent your kids from going online at certain times when you might not be there to watch them. There are more important things to get done than be surfing the internet, like making sure school assignments get done and daily physical exercise is attained. You can figure that the more time they waste on the computer; the more apt they may be to find mayhem.

When children are online using instant messaging, that can be the biggest danger. When you receive an IM, there is no way for you to know who the other person really is. When you know where to look, you can find protection for your children with a few safeguards. Whether your children have their own computer or use yours, instant messaging can be blocked by using the right software. You can find other products that allow you to approve friends and give them limited access. There are ways to get around most anything these days, so to forbid your children to do any IMs at all, will likely get them to not tell you and then do it behind your back, which is not good. Maybe the best you will be able to do with helping your children, is simply knowing who it is they are chatting with.

You should email and instant message them every while. This is so that you are in the same world that your child is in. Just being ever vigilant towards your kids and their web applications can let you rest at ease. Kids naturally like to have a certain amount of freedom, but when it comes to the internet, this can work against them if they unknowingly get involved with the wrong people. As long as you keep a watchful eye over your kids' internet activities, you should be able to feel confident that all will be well.

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